Palazzo Stella


Palazzo Stella is the very heart of the medieval village. It was built in the XIV century when the Republic of Genova controlled a large part of Liguria. The palace was the center of power, prestige and patronage. 

Facino Stella who moved to Genova in 1360, was the father of three famous annalists Giorgio, Giovanni and Battista. The Stella family kept precise records of their predecessors. They were arts patrons like the Capponi and Borelli families. 

Members of the Stella family became mayors and priests. Luigi Maria, the last descendant who died in San Remo in 1852, was mayor for some years. He married Camilla d’Aste di Albenga and as they had no children, they adopted Alessandro d’Aste who inherited everything, on one condition: that he accepted to take the Stella surname.  Alessandro also had no children and adopted Amero d’Aste Marcello, also on the same condition regarding the Stella surname. After the death of Amero d’Aste Marcello, the inheritance passed on to his son Bruno.

Isotta Stella was over 60 when she was accused of witchcraft and tortured. She could not stand the tortures inflicted and died in one of the rooms of the palace. 

The palace also hosted Giulio Scribani, the Genoese commissioner who started the real witch hunt that took place in Triora from 1588 to 1589. 

Archbishop Tommaso dei Marchesi Reggio died in a room on the first floor of the palace. He lived in Genova but loved to spend some time in Triora to rest, together with his confessor Giuseppe Giauni. It was his idea to place a statue of the Redentore on Mount Saccarello (2.201 meters). Despite his age (he was over 84), he prepared the speech to be read on Mount Saccarello. Unfortunately he got sick and died a couple of months later, on 22 November 1901. He asked to be buried in Triora but his last wish was not fulfilled: after his death and solemn funeral, he was taken back to Genova. 

The Istituto delle Suore di Santa Marta, founded by Mons. Reggio, bought three quarters of the palace in 1953, although it had been badly damaged during the war. The palace then became property of an estate agency first and of the Comune di Triora later. 

The Comune has restored Palazzo Stella, arranging some rooms to host the museum thanks to the collaboration of the Associazione Turistica Pro Triora. 
