La Fontana Soprana


The gate near the fountain is very well preserved. Look at the arch, hinges, the little door thought which the local taxes were paid and the remains of the old wall with loopholes to fight the enemies. You can easily understand how difficult it might have been to penetrate the village. 

The fountain is certainly the oldest and the most important one in the village and is the starting point of the road leading to the castle. 

The fountain receives water from a region called Cürgala and from ‘Gorda sottana’. 

The ‘executioner house’ was built above the fountain; death sentences were carried out outside the village walls, in an area in front of the former slaughterhouse still called

 Dübaìe (adübô means to kill). The execution site is also mentioned in the famous Canzun de Franzé u pegüô, (Chapter IX (A canzun de carlevô)): 

E risaglie sun fegnìe,

Carlevô nu mangia ciü!

Stiazzèilu ae Dübaìe,

dèighe en cauzu, lanzèilu giü!

Drink some fresh water from the fountain and proceed along the wall towards the old farmhouses called casun.
