

Who knows what inspired our ancestors into calling Creppo that sparse and orderly group of houses perched on a steep cliff, the sight of this tiny village, rather than evoking the “greppo” (barren and steep mountain side) from Dante’s time, it inspires poetic sentiments but also admiration for its construction expertise, far from the modern taste that has irremediably damaged exquisite historical centres elsewhere.

A steep cobbled road takes to the church square restored in 1984 where one can enjoy a wonderful landscape: to the left the Gerbontina farmsteads next to which flows a fresh water stream that falls into the river, transforming the coldest winters in a gigantic ice waterfall, right in front are the Case dei Bruzzi where in the autumn it is easy to spot droves of wild boars looking for sweet apples and further down is the old roman stone bridge where at times herds of chamois can be seen grazing. To the right the Drondo houses give us an image of a pastoral and farming community now gone; the Infernetto rio with high waterfalls, rocks sticking out from enchanting ponds, sharp crags, caverns and scary caves reminds of ancient times and gives origin to further imaginary and less explainable pictures. A little further up is a castellaro, known as the bric of Castellaccio which testifies ancient customs and settlements.

The small group of houses on the Poggio, situated on a gigantic rock is similar to an outpost; has hosted a welcoming family for ever and it is the only Triora hamlet where one can still see some children at play.

The church dedicated to the birth of the Virgin Mary is small but cool and welcoming; the statue of Mary as a child is taken out on procession on the 8th of October, saint patron day. On this occasion and during the summer months the village repopulates, the streets are filled with voices and cries, a record player emits happy sounds. In the evening it is lovely to meet up in the square, sit on the slate slabs and exchange stories and opinions until late at night
